Labels:book | paper OCR: series IS scheduled ude Su! Trya "bocconcino' of the ncwes show from Frugal To Fustall Nautilrsrs Gourmet Jersr aith h shares his s appreciation of the foods of Italy. Then change Fron Windowgs choose RUN from the File Mensu toa vegetarian nue ane sample some ofthe recipes and philosophics of this Ente DAASETEP replacing D> with the letter of your D ROM iscipline drive or Double click on SETUPEXE in the root dire ectort of this Whip aspot Perhas on upa vou hittle alread countes sorgeth vier ne ng syouy 10 the computer Computerized asa Kitchen Lappliance. It certainly XCS deserves we cisc your will within screen aler Fyou Note to Manager. that upgrades youdo Then as not nee follow have the to reinstall instructions with w cadh nek appear disc on kitchen the Ahefood processor for the buffet. ...